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An Ongoing Series

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Deeper Love

I've known PAZ for 20 years. Most of the photographs on this blog were taken by him. Some of his art work is also included, as you can see here and in the post before this one.

As artists, he and I stole from each other all the time. We were openly jealous of each other's work, wanting to claim it for ourselves. We soon learned it was our highest compliment to each other, this thievery and jealousy and covetousness. Because we respected each other's work, when these feelings were stirred we knew that what we had just done was good and had intrinsic value.

"Bringing Brother Death Home"

We reveled openly in these shadow elements.

This was and is one of the deepest expressions of love I have known, some of the grandest acts of generosity I have ever experienced. We did not deny our primitive desires. We used them to nurture each other into a deeper creative spirit, into spaces where we could give the best of what we had to give.

Living is much easier knowing that I have shared this with another human being. Dying will be the same: easier for having lived this.

I can imagine it might make many lives easier.


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(Photos: Paul Anton Zorn)



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